www.SaveTheBeltline.net   (.NET not .org)
  This website highlights debates about the proposed streetcar extension onto the Beltline.
The official MARTA site
See also Better Atlanta Transit and (Instagram)"streetcarimpact"
This web site is published by Georgia Tech Prof. Hans Klein  (a bit about me)

Panel Discussion at Atlanta's Center for Civil Innovation (6/18/2024)

Beltline Forum at the Center for Civic Innovation
Entire Video

To promote equity, we should instead deploy transit to OUTLYING neighborhoods
Private developers support equity
Concern about Beltline rail arose from north and south Atlanta
Mayor Dickens' Re-priorization of transit projects
Implementation, implementation, implementation
Ryan Gravel's very interesting history of how it all started

Blog: "Equity, Mobility, and the Beltline" 
(hosted on Nextdoor.com)

Blog:  "Transit *to* the Beltline"
(hosted on Nextdoor.com)

Panel Discussion on WABE (3/29/2024)

Debaters at WABE
Prof. Hans Klein debates with Beltline Rail Now
[WABE, Rose Scott's "Coffee Conversations. 3/29/24.  Starts at 15:15]

In the News:


Beltline Rail Brings a Fence

Hans Klein 30 December 2023

Where's the fence??!!

This widely-published photo erroneously omits the fence that will block neighborhood connectivity.

Image of the Beltline, but it shows no fence

Concerning the fence along MARTA’s proposed Beltline tracks, it is MARTA itself that insists on this barrier.
[Continue reading]

Panel at Georgia Tech (Weds. Oct. 18 at noon):

What Transit Modes Where?
New modes of getting around are exploding. Now, in addition to fixed rail, bus, and streetcar,
smartphones and algorithms have expanded on-demand mobility such as microtransit vans, scooters, and e-bike rentals.
What kind of city, social equity, and neighborhood form do these different modes shape?
In Atlanta, the Beltline is a 22-mile trail loop that has proven the popularity of walkability and bike-oriented development
but promised to include future transit. Should that transit continue the city's historic but troubled investment in streetcars
or bet on emerging technologies like AV shuttles? Helping us answer these questions are Eric Kronberg of Kronberg Urbanists and Architects;
Tejas Santaman, who works for Beep; and Rebecca Serna, Executive Director of Propel Atlanta.

Could the Beltline host innovative transit systems?
Cobb County (and the state?) are pushing ahead with autonomous transit.

"Driverless transit system set to debut in Cobb County"

Sadly, We must Admit That

Today's Beltline Is Dangerous
Children on the Beltline  Injury on the Beltline

More safety pics

The Great Streetcar Debate
MARTA Board Meeting of July 13 (2023)
Our favorite public comments:
Chris Dyrda, Jeff Rader, Jay Miller, Walter Brown,
Mike Dobbins, Robin, Ann Marie Kietzmann,
Amanda Claire Reeve, Katherine Chestnut
, Jennifer Bentson,
All Public Comments

"The subject of intense controversy"
AJC: "
MARTA approves design contract for streetcar expansion[Link to AJC]

AJC/Bill Torpy:  
"Beltline visionary gets testy with opponent as rail up for vote" [link to AJC]

Yard Sign

Fox5 Atlanta TV News:
"Petition opposes expansion of Atlanta Streetcar"

       R.I.P. Beltline Linear Park     

Emoji crying    streetcar up close   Emoji crying

Smart people recognize that streetcar technology is problematic.
Says Warren Buffett of the proposed Omaha streetcar:
"Streetcars keep mindlessly rolling on, fueled by large public subsidies.
Mistakes are literally cast in cement

Here is a Cycle Track ("Modal Separation") in Calgary, Canada
We can do this on the Beltline!

Cycle track in Calgary, Canada
(more pix)

ATLscoop on Instagram: Poll shows people don't want streetcars on the Beltline
Atlanta Business Chronicle: "MARTA picks firm to prep final design for controversial BeltLine streetcar"   [link]
Urbanize.city blog: "MARTA Picks Designer for Streetcar Extension onto the Beltline" (don't miss the comment section!)
Georgia Public Policy Foundation: "Atlanta streetcar: Grand plans and failed ambitions[video clip]

Sign the Petition
Download the Beltline Flyer
Download the Cycle Track Flyer
Check out the Old Fourth Group's Instagram site: "streetcarimpact"

"I feel compelled to say something...
I believe it is a mistake to extend the streetcar to the Beltline and on to the Beltline... 
I cannot vote for it..."

-Jim Durrett. MARTA Director (23 April 2023)

"The Beltline is an incredible thing.
If you put a train down there, what's that going to do?!
What's the impact?"

William Floyd,
MARTA Director (23 April 2023)
(See all our quotes)

The MARTA board meeting that sums it all up.
Even MARTA's directors are skeptical of the streetcar extension.
Video excerpt from their April 2023 m


MARTA's site for the Streetcar Extension Project

A cycle track  would provide most of the benefits of a train.
E-bikes for all!    Lee Street Trail   Hank Aaron Drive    Cycling Infrastructure

Transit technology is evolving rapidly. Making large, fixed investments in rail is unwise.
Cobb County's Cumberland Hopper   MARTA Reach   Beep Autonomous Shuttles    
Buckhead Buc
    Decatur Shuttle   Let's Ride Atlanta  

Deep History:
"The Atlanta BeltLine - Transit That Travels in Circles. REASON Mag. 2011"

The Streetcar does not catalyze development:
"In the 2+ years since the streetcar was completed, the only development has been to add solar panels to the parking lot next to the stop."
See: "Parking Madness: San Bernardino vs. Atlanta"

Fox 5 News: "Heated debate continues to rage over planned expansion of Atlanta Streetcar"

MARTA Board Meeting (5/11/2023): Public Comments (by Email)

Atlanta Business Chronicle: "Atlanta BeltLine doesn't need the streetcar, former Jamestown executive says"   [PDF]

Past Event: Public Panel at the Atlanta Studies Symposium: "The Desire for Streetcars"   [PPT Presentation]

Kevin Posey, Saporta Report: "Saving the Atlanta BeltLine: A shift from transit to micromobility"

An Academic Perspective:
"[the author] focuses on how the power of myth helps to create
the popular desire for urban rail, regardless of its actual performance.
The political support for the [Los Angeles] Blue Line had little to do with  cost effectiveness or transportation efficiency..."
Transport of Delight: The Mythical Conception of Rail Transit in Los Angeles

AJC/Bill Torpy: "Beltline Streetcar Extension: Costly Unvetted Bet"

Fox 5: "MARTA approves plan to extend Atlanta Streetcar to BeltLine"

Atlanta News First: "Atlanta streetcar on track to extend to Beltline"

MARTA Board Meeting (4/13/23) Video Highlights:  Jay Miller  Jeff Rader   Hans Klein  Board Discussion

MARTA Board Meeting (4/13/23), written comment: "Is MARTA Upholding the Highest Standards?"

MARTA Board Meeting (4/13/23): "Comments of Jeff Rader"

Axios: "Beltline's Eastside Trail transit plan rankles some residents"

11Alive News: "Campaign to derail plans to expand MARTA street car rail line gaining traction"

Atlanta Biz Chronicle: "Campaign mounts against Atlanta Beltline rail"  [PDF]

Jay Miller, Saporta Report: "Put the brakes on MARTA’s planned eastside streetcar extension"

Bill Torpy, AJC:  "Beltline Rail: Will $230M Screw Up a Good Thing?" [PDF]

Blog:  "Why the Streetcar Extension is Not a Good Idea"

The Streetcar Impact Team (Old Fourth Ward Residents)

More stuff:

GT Prof. Hans Klein"A Streetcar on the Beltline Would be a Train Wreck", Saporta Report

GT Prof. Michael Dobbins: "Downtown Streetcar to Ponce? A Recantation"

GT Prof. Howard Wertheimer: "Connecting Atlanta communities with a future-proof streetcar", Saporta Report

A Developer: "Atlanta businesses wary of extending streetcar to BeltLine"  (Atlanta Business Chronicle)  [PDF]

Blog:  "Transit is a Service, Not an 'Equipment'"

MARTA Board (12 January 2023): "Comment: Streetcar Extension -- A Strategic Mistake"

Saporta Report: "Atlanta can’t afford to get new transit wrong",

TV News (Fox 5): "Atlanta Streetcar expansion could be 'disruptive' of BeltLine life..."

Some humor:  The Simpsons Episode: "Monorail!"

Georgia Public Policy Foundation: "Atlanta Streetcar’s Gone Off the Rails"

Reason Magazine: "Is This Atlanta Streetcar 'The Worst Transit Project of All Time'?"

Sign the Petition!

Congestion on the Beltline is dangerous!

The Beltline needs "modal separation"
(i.e. separate tracks for cyclists and pedestrians.)

Separate heels and wheels!

Here are examples of separate tracks at Atlanta's Centennial Park PATH trail and at LA's Santa Monica Strand trail:
Modal separation by the Atlanta aquarium                       Separated lanes for bikes and peds
(more pix)

A testimonial from Nextdoor.com:

"As someone who was in a collision with a cyclist today [on the Beltline],
I agree there needs to be some major change for the safety of all.
I was running without headphones on, and he was coming from the opposite direction.
We both didn’t see each other and he was going too fast to stop -
we collided and he went over his handlebars and hit the pavement hard (no helmet), his front wheel bending in two.
My arm felt like it had broken but I think I’ll only have a huge bruise to live with.
Had we hit dead on, we both could’ve been seriously injured.
Sharing my story on Instagram, I’ve had responses from other people being hit by cyclists and motorized bikes -
one friend even ended up in the ICU from her injuries.
What’s happening [on the Beltline] is not ok."
[Source: Nextdoor.com]

AJC (Bill Torpy):
"When Beltline stroll becomes roller derby
"  [pdf]

Georgia Tech Prof. Hans Klein:
"Radial Routes vs. a Ring Route"

Georgia Tech Prof. Mike Dobbins:
"Atlanta can’t afford to get new transit wrong"
"Reshaping the BeltLine"
"Streetcars on the BeltLine"

What is a good transit system architecture?  A star or a loop?

Some Online Discussion Forums

"Town Hall on Streetcar Extension on the Beltline" (February 23).

MARTA's Streetcar East Extension (and Meetings of Sept. 12,13)

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Read our White Paper

What can be done:

streetcar Kids on bikes  streetcar

The City of Atlanta, MARTA, and Atlanta Beltline Inc. are planning to run light rail on the Beltline.
This could degrade the Beltline experience.
Motorized rail will reduce safety,
the tramway will squeeze cyclists, and safety barriers will reduce access.
Join us to preserve Atlanta's best linear park.
Join us to save the Beltline!

[Apologies for this very simple web site. But this is what grassroots activism looks like!!]



Sign the Petition!
Download the Flyer!